Kristy's Zumba in Lebanon 
Friday thru Monday....

I definitely ate a little bad this weekend, but for a GREAT reason!  I was up in Northern PA snowmobiling so I got a killer workout for about 6-7 hours on Saturday.  I don't feel bad at all for eating some yummy bar food!  And actually I still did pretty well.  I had a buffalo chicken salad, broccoli and hot pepper pizza, broiled haddock & shrimp, crab cakes & asparagus,  I had egg & bacon sandwiches for breakfast each morning...YUM!  My guilt kicks in at the ice cream and raspberry cheese cake!  TO DIE FOR!!! 

Despite my not so great clean eating this past weekend, I was so sweaty from riding snowmobile that I actually had to shed layers of clothing while on top of the mountain in Tioga County!  So, I was definitely working.  And, I was very sore Sunday and Monday!  Holding your body weight on a snowmobile while hitting snow drifts at about 40-60mph definitely works some of those hidden muscles! 

See you tonight for Toning and Zumba!
So...tell me your thoughts on last night's special Valentine's Day Zumba class?!?!?  Did you like it?  Did you still get a good workout?  Did you like my prizes?

Let me know!!!

My goal for yesterday's class was to maintain a good fitness level for all of you while helping everyone get a few laughs in.  Sometimes around Valentine's Day we focus on the negatives such as....I didn't get what I wanted, I don't have a significant other, I didn't get flowers (overpriced!), blah blah blah! 

My goal this Valentine's Day was to do something healthy for MY heart!  I accomplished that goal and I hope you did too!!!!

I dislike Hallmark Holidays if you can't tell!  I made a request to NOT get overpriced flowers that will die in a few days!  Give me something really useful like a few hours with my family and BF...that to me is way better than stinky flowers :)
Nothing crazy this week...but hopefully tonight I'll be cooking up something clean and healthy!

Monday: Oatmeal
              leftover Chicken PotPie Yum!
              Venison Loin, Salad, Baby Red sister made a killer Valentine's Day dinner!

Tuesday: Oatmeal
                Cereal...I was sooo tired after teaching and my microwave is cooking for me!

Tuesday: BodyPump 55mins
               Zumba Toning  25mins
               Zumba  maybe 25 mins
Have you seen the Flyer for Tuesday's class?!?!?  Get ready because it's going to be FUN!  Angelique and I will be keeping the energy up the whole class!  Come prepared to dance, sweat, and maybe walk away with a cool Zumba prize!!!!

See you there!!!
I hope everyone had a GREAT weekend! 

Friday: Oatmeal, Chili & Salad, Sushi (yum!)
Saturday & Sunday: I had drill, so nothing clean or healthy really :(
Sunday dinner: homemade chicken potpie!!  SOO GOOD!

elliptical for 30 mins on Saturday and biking for another 8 mins

Click Here!

The above article was posted on Yahoo Health.  It ranks Zumba in the top 6 ways to burn mega calories!  YES!

Notice this line, "However, like any fitness regimen, the number of calories burned varies from person to person depending on weight, sex, current fitness level, and how a hard a person works out." 

So all my yelling and encouragement is for a good reason! wink, wink!!!
Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ maple syrup & walnuts
Lunch: 1/2 Turkey Wrap & Italian Wedding Soup...and maybe some chips :)
Dinner: Baked Potato, Chicken Breast, mixed veggies
Snacks: 1/2 Special K Protein Bar
             Honey Wheat Pretzels

Bodypump: 55 mins
Zumba Toning: 30 mins
Zumba: hmmm...this is sad...I guess maybe 15 mins of me moving :(

Breakfast:  Nothing >:(
Lunch: meatballs and leftover veggies
Dinner:  Whole Wheat spaghetti & sauce w/ some cheese
Snacks: can't think of any...but I'm sure I had something

Elliptical: 33 mins

Since my whole foot injury thing I'm trying to do other types of exercising.  I know I need to rest, so instead of going crazy at Zumba class, I have been trying to add in more time on the elliptical.  I will also be using the bike since these two pieces of equipment are less stressful on the feet. 
Tell me one really bad food you ate this weekend!

And, tell me one super healthy food you ate this weekend!
Haven't posted in a bit, so I'm trying to get back on track!

Over the weekend I didn't eat anything too bad (except for Mom's PB Pie, yum!), but I didn't really eat super healthy either.  Superbowl weekend is a great time to forget about healthy eating, but it's easy to get right back to it.

I did exercise Friday and Monday.  I did 30 mins on the elliptical each day.  I can only really do that and ride the bike right now while I'm resting my foot :(

I'm hoping to try a clean eating catfish recipe tonight after my classes...I'll keep everyone posted.
Sorry for not posting recently.  I have had a CRAZY week thus far and working out was not part of it!  I will get back on track and post tomorrow!